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Special Assembly of class K.G
  • Event Date: 24-Nov-2023
  • Updated On: 25-Nov-2023
  • Total Photo(s): 127
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Description: The K.G. grade students at Little Angels School, gathered for a special assembly centered around essential life lessons. The assembly revolved around three impactful themes: "Healthy Food vs. Junk Food," "Helpfulness," and "Good Deeds Never Go Wasted." 1. Healthy Food vs. Junk Food(K.G. -O) The first segment of the assembly focused on instilling the importance of making healthy food choices. Through engaging presentations, colorful displays, and lively discussions, the young minds in K.G. grade were introduced to the concept of nutritious eating. Teachers creatively conveyed the benefits of incorporating fruits, vegetables, and balanced meals into their daily routines. The objective was to lay the foundation for a healthy lifestyle from the early stages of development. 2. Helpfulness(K G. - H) The second theme emphasized the value of helpfulness and kindness. Students were encouraged to understand the joy and positive impact of extending a helping hand to their peers and teachers. The assembly featured heartwarming anecdotes, skits, and interactive activities, fostering a sense of empathy and cooperation among the K.G. grade students. The aim was to nurture a school culture where helpfulness is not just a virtue but a way of life. 3. Good Deeds Never Go Wasted( K G.-W) The final segment focused on the timeless lesson that good deeds, no matter how small, leave a lasting impact. Through storytelling and visual presentations, the students were guided to recognize the significance of kindness, honesty, and generosity. The assembly aimed to inspire the K.G. grade students to incorporate these virtues into their daily lives, fostering a positive and supportive school community. In conclusion, the special assembly served as a platform to sow seeds of wisdom and virtues